Thursday, August 23, 2012

GradeBook Pro [The Digital Assessment Binder]

The countdown is on... only a few short weeks left before school begins!  My Planbook planning is well underway and now I am in the process of setting up my assessment "binder" through the use of an app called GradeBook Pro.  This app is phenomenal, and here are the reasons why:

1.  It will reduce the amount of paper used when recording student marks and notes
2.  It creates a "roster" of students for all of your classes [easy to copy and paste into various strands/subjects]
2.  You set the term date!  Keep track of which units you have taught during first term, second term, etc.
3.  Keep track of student attendance [which comes in handy when reviewing their grade history - you can detect how many days they were absent for the term and also which assessments they were absent for]
4.  Create "assignments" [e.g., quiz, test, presentation, skit, etc] and give it a standard mark.  You may also add additional information to each assignment such as the learning goal, success criteria, rubric, etc.
5.  Easily input student marks - and once done, the app will give you their percentage, class average, student's highest mark in the unit, and more!
6.  Share a student's grade report with parents by sending the report via e-mail [the app allows you to store student and parent e-mails within each student's profile]. Teachers can also save the class/student report in a PDF file for quick access [if printing a hard copy is preferred]

This app does much more than what has been listed above.  I highly recommend this app for any educator, and I believe you can find ways to make it suit your needs.  It is clean, organized and fairly easy to use.  Give it a try!!

GradeBook Pro [for iPad and iPhone]
Developer's Website

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